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Sanctuary by Saskia Saunders 2.7 - 25.7.2021


by Saskia SAUNDERS

Contemporary Crafts Centre

Shop H, Hollywood Building

186 Hollywood Road

Sheung Wan

Hong Kong

2.7 - 25.7.2021

12nn - 6pm, Tuesday-Sunday

Mon by appointment

Weaving Aesthetics Workshop 編織美學工作坊


Saskia Saunders achieved a First Class degree Woven Textiles at the University of Brighton and has worked with woven textile design companies and social enterprises in New York, China and Cambodia. She defined herself as a “sustainable futures artist.”

Saunders uses natural materials and yarns such as linen, hemp, and paper to connect people directly to the positive energy of nature. Meditative processes, such as weaving and warping are methods of construction. Saunders uses them to demonstrate how we can build and grow steadily towards our future vision, whilst being grateful for the moment in hand.

Saunders exhibited in London, Paris, New York, and Munich. From her travels in Japan, Saunders is also inspired by the Japanese aesthetic values of : Ma – appreciating the space around things, Wabi-sabi – accepting imperfection and Shibui – enjoying subtle beauty. Saunders’ sculptures do not seek to be perfect, because nature and life are both imperfectly beautiful. Her work invites a calm pause, a moment of contemplation for us to reconnect with ourselves, and the natural world around us.

Saskia Saunders在英國University of Brighton 的紡織系以一級榮譽學士畢業,曾於紐約、中國和柬埔寨與紡織設計相關的機構和社會企業工作。她定義自己為「可持續的未來藝術家」。

Saunders以天然的物料和紗線如亞麻、麻和紙,來引領觀眾感受大自然中的正能量。編織和經紗的建構近乎冥想過程 ,她用這形式向我們展示怎樣可以循序漸進地實踐願景,並感恩當下。

她在倫敦、巴黎、紐約和慕尼黑均有展出,並曾遊歷日本,從日本的美學中汲取靈感:如「間」指欣賞周遭的事物和環境; 「侘寂」指接受不完美; 「澀」指享受簡樸的美。 她在創作上,並不是要追求完美,因為大自然和生活中縱有不完美,也正是其美麗之處。讓我們停頓片刻來欣賞她的作品,給自身和大自然的世界重新連接起來。


Light Flows

Vintage cotton fabric, cotton string, acrylic

13 x 18 cm

2020, United Kingdom

Gentle Acceptance 2

Vintage linen

20 x 55cm

2019, United Kingdom

Feel it soothe you

paper yarn

17 x 12 cm

2020, United Kingdom

"I weave a luxurious vision of forest regeneration for sustainability & natural wellbeing pioneers.

By bringing the ancient craft of weaving into contemporary form, my work addresses our need to live more sustainably, in harmony with nature.” said Saskia Saunders.

「我希望以編織帶出可持續發展和大自然福祉的願景,古老的編織工藝融入現代形式,我的作品表達了我們與大自然可持續永生丶和諧共融的祈望。」Saskia Saunders 如是說。


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